Linux * Php

phpinfo() has been disabled

If you get the message while browsing php info page, it means that phpinfo function is disabled. To resolve this you will have to : Remove phpinfo from disable_functions in php.ini To locate php.ini file, use command : # php –ini Check the line Loaded Configuration File: for php.ini location. Remove phpinfo  from disable_functions in […]

Linux * SolusVM

Change SolusVM admin password

If you forget or lose your SolusVM Admin password, you can change it using SolusVM php script.Log into SolusVM master server via SSH. Then you can reset the admin password by running the below command : Code: php /usr/local/solusvm/scripts/pass.php –type=admin –comm=change –username=<ADMINUSERNAME> For username mention the admin username for SolusVM , the default Admin username […]