Apache * Php * WHM/Cpanel

Recompiling apache

Method 1: Recompilation from WHM===========================1. Login to the WHM of the server as user root.2. Go to Software >> EasyApache (Apache Update) 3. Select a profile to load and click “Start customizing based on profile”.4. Select the Apache version and click next step. 5. Select the Major PHP Version and click next step.6. Select the […]

Apache * Linux

Testing mod_rewrite

If you face issues in getting rewrite rules of your website to work, first check if mod_rewrite is installed/enabled. # httpd -l | grep rewrite If mod_rewrite is installed on the server, you will get the following output :   mod_rewrite.c If it is not installed, then you will have to recompile apache with mod_rewrite […]

Apache * Kloxo * Linux

Dual PHP Kloxo – CentOS

I came across a situation this week where a client wanted to install Zend Optimizer on his VPS as his website needed it. But the default PHP version installed on the server was PHP 5.3 and Zend Optimizer works only with PHP versions upto 5.2. So we had two options in front of us to […]