Check SQL connections

Login to SQL Management Studio, select Master database and click on New Query and paste the below code : CREATE TABLE #sp_who2    (SPID INT,     Status VARCHAR(1000) NULL,     Login SYSNAME NULL,     HostName SYSNAME NULL,     BlkBy SYSNAME NULL,     DBName SYSNAME NULL,     Command VARCHAR(1000) NULL,     CPUTime INT NULL,     DiskIO INT […]

PostgreSQL * WHM/Cpanel

phpPgAdmin Login Failed

If you are unable to login to phpPgAdmin using your Cpanel username and password and getting a “Login failed” message do the following :SSH to your server as root and open /var/lib/pgsql/data/pg_hba.confSearch for# “local” is for Unix domain socket connections onlylocal   all         all                               ident sameuserChange it to # “local” is for Unix domain socket connections […]