IPTABLES * Linux * OpenVZ * Virtuzzo

Iptables problems on VPSes

You might have come across issues with csf on VPSes. CSF requires at least these iptables modules to work properly:     ip_tables  ipt_state  ipt_multiport  iptable_filter  ipt_limit  ipt_LOG  ipt_REJECT  ipt_conntrack  ip_conntrack  ip_conntrack_ftp  iptable_mangle Other modules for additional functionality:   ipt_owner  ipt_recent  iptable_nat  ipt_REDIRECT  You can check the hosting environment using :  /etc/csf/csftest.pl This should run without any FATAL […]


Unblock an IP from IPTABLES

To check if an IP is blocked in iptables, use the command :  # iptables -nL | grep IP_ADDRESS_HERE Sample output: DROP all — x.x.x.x If the IP is blocked in iptables, to see the rule: # iptables-save|grep IP_ADDRESS_HERE # iptables-save|grep Sample output: -A LOCALINPUT -s -i eth0 -j DROP   Take […]