Awstats * Linux * WHM/Cpanel

Awststats not working/updating – cPanel

It can be caused due to many issues and here I am posting some fixes for that.First check permission of /usr/local/cpanel/3rdparty/bin/, it should be 755. Then to update awstats and webalizer run the script : Code:  # /scripts/runweblogs user_name If that didn’t work try fixwebalizer script : Code:  # /scripts/fixwebalizer If that doesn’t update stats, […]


Adding and Deleting route

Add Route======== Code: [Select] # route add default gw GATEWAY_IP eth0 Delete Route========== Code: [Select] # route del default gw GATEWAY_IP Check Routing Table=============== Code: [Select] # route -n Or Code: [Select] # netstat -r -n Sample Output : Kernel IP routing tableDestination     Gateway         Genmask          Flags  MSS […]

Linux * MySQL

ERROR 1153 : Got a Packet Bigger Than ‘Max_allowed_packet’ Bytes”

You may have come across this error before while trying to restore mysql databases, it can be easily fixed by increasing max_allowed_packet value. Check the current value first. Get into mysql prompt and enter the following query :select @@max_allowed_packet;Then you can increase the value either by adding the variable in my.cnf file or executing the […]