Linux * SolusVM

Change SolusVM admin password

If you forget or lose your SolusVM Admin password, you can change it using SolusVM php script.Log into SolusVM master server via SSH. Then you can reset the admin password by running the below command : Code: php /usr/local/solusvm/scripts/pass.php –type=admin –comm=change –username=<ADMINUSERNAME> For username mention the admin username for SolusVM , the default Admin username […]

Linux * MySQL

Enable MySQL slow query log

The slow query log consists of SQL statements that took more than long_query_time seconds to execute and required at least min_examined_row_limit rows to be examined. It is very helpful in troubleshooting bad queries. Add the following to /etc/my.cnf file to enable the slow query log: Code:  log-slow-queries=/var/lib/mysql/slow.log After that, then do the following commands to […]

IPTABLES * Linux * OpenVZ * Virtuzzo

Iptables problems on VPSes

You might have come across issues with csf on VPSes. CSF requires at least these iptables modules to work properly:     ip_tables  ipt_state  ipt_multiport  iptable_filter  ipt_limit  ipt_LOG  ipt_REJECT  ipt_conntrack  ip_conntrack  ip_conntrack_ftp  iptable_mangle Other modules for additional functionality:   ipt_owner  ipt_recent  iptable_nat  ipt_REDIRECT  You can check the hosting environment using :  /etc/csf/ This should run without any FATAL […]